A Sight For Sport Eyes

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Protecting eyes with specialized sports eyewear.
A Sight For Sport Eyes offers unmatched deals, coupons, promotions, and cashback through OODLZ cashback.

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Shannen Knight is the proprietor of A Sight for Sport Eyes and the author of the website's content. Holding a degree in Marketing from USC and being a board-certified dispensing optician, she boasts over 20 years of experience in the optical industry. Recognizing a growing niche in sports eyewear and sunglasses, Shannen saw an opportunity to educate consumers about eye injury risks and the importance of protective eyewear.

Established in September 1996, A Sight for Sport Eyes aims to raise awareness about eye safety and the need for specialized sports eyewear. As more individuals prioritize eye protection in sports, Shannen's passion for athletics and desire to assist the public in understanding sports eyewear products aligned perfectly.

Unlike a typical e-commerce store, A Sight for Sport Eyes functions as a conventional optical practice with a commitment to providing top-notch service and name-brand lenses crafted by renowned optical laboratories. The focus remains on delivering the same high-quality optical lenses available at local optical shops, combined with expertise in sports-specific eyewear selection and lens options tailored for an active lifestyle. Many eye doctors confidently refer their patients to A Sight for Sport Eyes, acknowledging the dedication to delivering exceptional products that ensure eye safety during physical activities.
