Get Wines Direct

Up to 12% cashback

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Get Wines Direct offers unmatched deals, coupons, promotions, and cashback through OODLZ cashback.

Get Wines Direct Offers


Discover unmatched deals, coupons, offers and cashback from Get Wines Direct through OODLZ cashback.

Get Wines Direct is a leading online wine retailer in Australia with a difference. With no committed memberships and no obligations, customers can order wine as they wish, when they want it.

The company prides itself on its exceptional customer service and the ability to offer customers the best deals on a wide range of red, white, and sparkling wines from Australia and around the world.

Get Wines Direct has a team of experts who have worked in all aspects of the industry, from grape growing and winemaking to wine marketing and sales, which ensures that the company offers the best possible experience in wine retailing.

The tasting panel, which includes experienced and award-winning winemakers, taste-test from over 10,000 wines submitted annually, to ensure that only the best wines are selected for sale.

The company also offers a no questions asked 100% Money Back Guarantee, providing customers with the confidence to buy with ease.