Designer Appliances

Flat 3.9% cashback

Expert advice, premium products, exceptional service.
Designer Appliances offers unmatched deals, coupons, promotions, and cashback through OODLZ cashback.

Designer Appliances Offers



Discover unmatched deals, coupons, offers and cashback from Designer Appliances through OODLZ cashback.

Designer Appliances is a leading retailer of premium kitchen and laundry appliances in Australia. Established in 2008, the company offers a wide range of high-quality products from top brands such as Miele, Bosch, Electrolux, and Fisher & Paykel. With a strong focus on customer service, Designer Appliances is committed to providing expert advice, competitive pricing, and timely delivery to its customers.

The company also offers a comprehensive range of after-sales services, including installation, maintenance, and repairs, to ensure that customers get the most out of their appliances. Whether you're a homeowner, builder, or interior designer, Designer Appliances has the expertise and experience to help you find the perfect appliances for your needs.