Curtain Wonderland

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Curtain Wonderland offers unmatched deals, coupons, promotions, and cashback through OODLZ cashback.

Curtain Wonderland Offers



Discover unmatched deals, coupons, offers and cashback from Curtain Wonderland through OODLZ cashback.

Curtain Wonderland is a retailer of curtains, blinds, and soft furnishing fabrics that offers both ready-made and custom solutions.

Neville Russell and Pam Tacey, brothers and sisters from Brisbane, founded the company in 1971 in Mt Gravatt. Initially, the emphasis was on soft-furnishing fabrics, which were all 99 cents per meter. Curtain Wonderland has grown in both product offerings and reaches since then.

The company is dedicated to providing high-quality products at reasonable prices, and it has a reputation for providing excellent customer service. Customers can choose from a wide range of curtains, blinds, and accessories, such as PVC Venetian blinds and room darkening roller blinds.