Charity Hampers

Flat 8% cashback

Giving gifts, giving back to charity.
Charity Hampers offers unmatched deals, coupons, promotions, and cashback through OODLZ cashback.

Charity Hampers Offers



Discover unmatched deals, coupons, offers and cashback from Charity Hampers through OODLZ cashback.

Charity Hampers, established in 2009, has a unique approach to hamper companies. Their goal is to allow people to share their gifts with more than just the recipient - their favorite charity as well.

When customers purchase a gift, they have the option to select which charity they would like to donate to, and 10% of the purchase price ex-GST (excluding freight) will be sent to the selected charity at the end of the financial year.

The gift card with the customer's message attached to the gift will also feature the chosen charity's logo. Charity Hampers' order receipts and invoices will show the amount donated and the name of the preferred charity, highlighting the company's commitment to giving back to the community.
